The default string normalization (provided by the Doctrine_Inflector::urlize()
"sluggifier") isn't suitable for my project, so I need to utilize my own algorithm.
I set my schema up as follows:
fields: [name]
builder: array('TextUtility', 'normalize')
name: string(255)
And I added my utility class to the lib folder of my project (although I also tried the lib folder of an app) according to some instructions I found in another forum:
class TextUtility {
public static function normalize($str) {
/* ... */
return $str;
When I run symfony doctrine:build --all
I'm greeted by the following error:
Warning: call_user_func_array() expects parameter 1 to be a valid callback, function 'array('TextUtility', 'normalize')' not found or invalid function name in /symfony/lib/plugins/sfDoctrinePlugin/lib/vendor/doctrine/Doctrine/Template/Listener/Sluggable.php on line 171
I assume I'm just putting my utility in the wrong place and it's not being loaded when needed. Am I putting it in the wrong place? Doctrine's documentation doesn't seem to mention the subject, unless I'm just looking at the wrong page.
arrays in YAML are defined other way:
builder: [TextUtility, normalize]