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Creating a Backup of AWS account configurations

I would like to create a Backup of my whole AWS account. I don't have a proper IaaS setup - did almost all of configurations manually using the AWS console. For now I am looking for a solution that just snapshots all my AWS services configurations (content is optional or could be done successively via scripts).

My setup includes:

  • Compute-Instances
  • Database aaS (DynamoDB)
  • Identity and Access Control Configs
  • SaaS, e.g. Lambda, configured manually
  • DNS configurations (Route53 and CertificateManager)
  • S3 Storage
  • CDN configurations

As a result I would like to have something like a CloudFormation Script that I can use to recreate my accounts configuration in a new AWS account.


  • You can use AWS CloudFormer to create a Cloudformation template out of the existing resources and create a Cloudformation Stack with that template in the another account. Refer to the link -->