I need to update a table so that rows of the same 'group' (Code + Color in the example) get an incremental number within the group. Rows for each group should be numbered 1, 2, 3...
id | Code | Color |Required_New_field
1231 |001 |Red | 1
1232 |001 |Red | 2
1233 |002 |Red | 1
1234 |001 |Red | 3
1235 |001 |Blue | 1
1236 |002 |Red | 2
1237 |001 |Blue | 2
1238 |002 |Blue | 1
1239 |002 |Red | 3
In the example rows with Code=001 and Color=Red should get 1, 2, 3 respectivelly.
I've tried several approaches using subqueries and 'group by', but I realize is not actually the right way.
Any hint will be apprecciated!
Edited: ROW_NUMBER() answers are great! Sadly I have to run it on an old sql_server 2000 version. And ROW_NUMBER() is available on 2005 and above (details on availability here). Any alternatives?
While I do agree with everyone from comments that ROW_NUMBER()
was available in SQL Server 2005, here is alternative solution using a sub-query to COUNT()
. Can be used on SQL Server 2000. Mind that, performance-wise, it's much more costly:
FROM your_table t1
WHERE t1.code = t2.code
AND t1.color = t2.color
AND t1.id <= t2.id) AS Rn
your_table t2
EDIT - For update:
FROM your_table t1
WHERE t1.code = t2.code
AND t1.color = t2.color
AND t1.id <= t2.id)
FROM your_table t2