I am trying to convert an "nlmrt
object to an "nls"
object using nls2
. However, I can only manage to do it if I write explicitly the names of the parameters in the call. Can't I define the parameter names programmatically? See the reproducible example:
scale_vector <- function(vector, ranges_in, ranges_out){
t <- (vector - ranges_in[1, ])/(ranges_in[2, ]-ranges_in[1, ])
vector <- (1-t) * ranges_out[1, ] + t * ranges_out[2, ]
shobbs.res <- function(x) {
# UNSCALED Hobbs weeds problen -- coefficients are rescaled internally using
# scale_vector
ranges_in <- rbind(c(0, 0, 0), c(100, 10, 0.1))
ranges_out <- rbind(c(0, 0, 0), c(1, 1, 1))
x <- scale_vector(x, ranges_in, ranges_out)
tt <- 1:12
res <- 100*x[1]/(1+10*x[2]*exp(-0.1*x[3]*tt)) - y }
y <- c(5.308, 7.24, 9.638, 12.866, 17.069, 23.192, 31.443,
38.558, 50.156, 62.948, 75.995, 91.972)
st <- c(b1=100, b2=10, b3=0.1)
ans1n <- nlfb(st, shobbs.res)
This works:
ans_nls2 <- nls2(y ~ shobbs.res(c(b1, b2, b3)) + y, start = coef(ans1n), alg = "brute")
However, this forces me to hard-code the parameters names in the call to nls2
. For reasons related to my actual code, I would like to be able to do something like
ans_nls2 <- nls2(y ~ shobbs.res(names(st)) + y, start = coef(ans1n), alg = "brute")
But this returns an error:
Error in vector - ranges_in[1, ] :
non-numeric argument to binary operator
Is it possible to fix this, without having to hard-code explicitly the names of parameters in the call to nls2
will accept a string as a formula:
co <- coef(ans1n)
fo_str <- sprintf("y ~ shobbs.res(c(%s)) + y", toString(names(co)))
nls2(fo_str, start = co, alg = "brute")
Nonlinear regression model
model: y ~ shobbs.res(c(b1, b2, b3)) + y
data: NULL
b1 b2 b3
196.1863 49.0916 0.3136
residual sum-of-squares: 2.587
Number of iterations to convergence: 3
Achieved convergence tolerance: NA