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How to set timeout in Refit library

I am using Refit library in my Xamarin App, I want to set 10 seconds timeout for the request. Is there any way to do this in refit?


interface IDevice
  Task<Device> GetDevice(string id, [Header("Authorization")] string authorization);

Invoking the API

var device = RestService.For<IDevice>("http://localhost");              
var dev = await device.GetDevice("15e2a691-06df-4741-b26e-87e1eecc6bd7", "Bearer OAUTH_TOKEN");


  • I finally found a way of setting the timeout for a request in Refit. I used CancelationToken. Here is the modified code after adding CancelationToken


    interface IDevice
      Task<Device> GetDevice(string id, [Header("Authorization")] string authorization, CancellationToken cancellationToken);

    Invoking the API:

    var device = RestService.For<IDevice>("http://localhost");    
    CancellationTokenSource tokenSource = new CancellationTokenSource();
    tokenSource.CancelAfter(10000); // 10000 ms
    CancellationToken token = tokenSource.Token;          
    var dev = await device.GetDevice("15e2a691-06df-4741-b26e-87e1eecc6bd7", "Bearer OAUTH_TOKEN", token);

    It works properly for me. I don't know whether it is the proper way or not. If it is a wrong, kindly suggest the correct way.