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Scala slick query not sorting

I have this Scala code but it doesn't give the sorted list:

def getItemsByCategoryId(catId: Long, start: Int = 0, limit: Option[Int] = None): Future[Seq[(Item, Seq[String])]] = {

  val itemList = items.sortBy( === catId).drop(start)

  val q = for {
    (j, pair) <- itemList joinLeft (groups join tags on (_.tagId === on ( === _._1.itemId)
  } yield (j, pair) { (row) =>
    row.groupBy(_._1).map { x =>
      val tags =

If I use only this line below I get the sorted list

val itemList = items.sortBy( === catId).drop(start)

Is the join/groupBy operations affect the sort in some way?


  • TraversableLike.groupBy returns an immutable.Map. Insertion order is preserved for Map values only, as the implementation iterates its elements in a for-loop. Keys in opposite do not really have an order. They are the result of the supplied function.

    Scalas standard collection library does not have an out-of-the-box solution for this problem. Since I had exactly the same issue I wrote my own orderedGroupBy as an extension to Seq that returns an immutable.ListMap instead:

    implicit class SeqWithOrderedGroupBy[A](xs: Seq[A]) {
        * Partitions this traversable collection into a map of traversable collections according to some discriminator function.
        * Preserves insertion order.
        * @param f the discriminatior function.
        * @tparam K the type of keys returned by the discriminator function.
        * @return An ordered map from keys to seq.
      def orderedGroupBy[K](f: A => K): immutable.ListMap[K, Seq[A]] = {
        val m = mutable.ListBuffer.empty[(K, mutable.Builder[A, Seq[A]])]
        for (elem <- xs) {
          val key = f(elem)
          val builder = m.find(_._1 == key)
            .getOrElse {
              val bldr = mutable.Seq.newBuilder[A]
              m.append((key, bldr))
          builder += elem
        val b = immutable.ListMap.newBuilder[K, Seq[A]]
        for ((k, v) <- m)
          b += ((k, v.result))

    Disclaimer: I didn't compare performance of the above snippet to TraversableLike.groupBy. It is sufficient for my purposes but it might be worse. Any improvements are welcome though.