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invalid conversion from 'char' to 'char*' strcat function

So I have a function that takes in a file input character by character and forms the characters into sentences to be modified. One of the modifications to be done is to make a run on sentence in this instance. It will take two sentences and form a run-on sentences by removing the punctuation between them and concatenating them.

Here is my code:

void runOn(char sentence, ifstream & fin, int counter)
  char ch;
  int sentCounter = 0;

  bool sentenceEnd = false;
    char tempSent[SENT_LENGTH];;

      for(int i = 0; i<SENT_LENGTH;i++)
        tempSent[i] = ch;

      if(ch == '.' || ch == '?' || ch == '!')
        sentenceEnd = true;
    }while(sentenceEnd == false);

The counter passed is only used because the function should only run for the first two sentences.

When I attempt to compile, I get this error:

function.cpp:36:29: error: invalid conversion from 'char' to 'char*' [-fpermissive]

Edit: I should add, I'm only allowed to use C style null terminated character arrays


  • The error is very clear, strcat is declared as char * strcat ( char * destination, const char * source );, however, sentence is not char*, you must convert sentence from char to char*.

    Since I don't know where sentence comes from, I can't give further advice, may be you should post the function which called the runOn.

    Maybe you can simply change void runOn(char sentence, ifstream & fin, int counter) to void runOn(char* sentence, ifstream & fin, int counter)

    See declaration of strcat here