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Genymotion 2.8.1 issues with ADB

I'm using genymotion 2.8.1 and android studio 2.3.1 and my OS is OSX 10.12.3. I have my Android SDK setup in ~/Library/Android/sdk. I've pointed genymotion to the same and my Android studio also to the same.

But when I start up genymotion device and try to run adb I just get an error saying the socket "5037" is already in use. When I run ps -ef | grep adb I get the following

  505  2532     1   0  2:08PM ??         0:00.70 adb -L tcp:5037 fork-server server --reply-fd 5

So I'm assuming this process was started by genymotion when trying to connect to the device. But when I run adb devices from the same path (I checked what path the adb process was running was from using the activity monitor) it throws this error

List of devices attached
* daemon not running. starting it now at tcp:5037 *
error: could not install *smartsocket* listener: Address already in use
ADB server didn't ACK
* failed to start daemon *
error: cannot connect to daemon

So can someone clarify what is happening here ? Is this a issue with this version of Genymotion and should I try downgrading it ?


  • So finally after lot of mix and match I found out that the issue was with the latest ADB version. Download this older version of the platform tools for mac - platform-tools_r25.0.3

    Then goto where your sdk folder is and replace the platform-tools with the extracted platform-tools from the above mentioned package. Hope this helps others facing the same issue