i have windows application and i use crystal reports it works fine in my local machine but when deploy it i get this error Failed to open the connection Details:[Database Vendor Code 17] temp 21323asdasdfv-dfdsfc-dsfdsrxdfdf}.rpt Details :[Database Vendor Code 17] this is my code that run when report loaded
string LogonInfo = CONN.GetDataBaseLogon(); //Get Connection string from XML file
string[] Log = LogonInfo.Split(',');
SqlConnection Con = new SqlConnection(CONN.GetSqlConnectionString());
string Command = "USE MainDB; EXEC [dbo].[GetAllSalaf] ;";
DataSet DS = new DataSet();
SqlDataAdapter SAD = new SqlDataAdapter(Command, Con);
NewReports.Reports.AllSalaf S = new Reports.AllSalaf();
// Log[0] =User Id ,Log[1] password Log[2] Server name
S.SetDatabaseLogon(Log[0], Log[1], Log[2], "MainDB");
crystalReportViewer1.ReportSource = S;