I am currently reading information from an input file. Of that information, there is a name. All the information is read into a struct. There is an array of these structs.
I need to alphabetize the structs by the last name, using a Binary Search Tree.
Do I need to write an operator overload function for ==, <, and >. If so can someone help me get started on that?
Operator overloads work just like functions or methods. They get a return type and arguments in just the same way. For instance, a binary operator (like <
) would be a member function with one argument or a free function with two, one each for each side of the operator. the only thing that's different is instead of having an identifier function name, they use a special syntax, the keyword operator
followed by the operator being overloaded. So if we wanted to have a comparable type, we could do it this way:
class MyUserType
std::string sort_significant;
std::string sort_insignificant;
bool operator<(const MyUserType &) const;
bool MyUserType::operator<(const MyUserType & other) const
return sort_significant < other.sort_significant;