I was following Meteor's Angular testing guide and it told me to run unit test by using this command:
meteor test --driver-package practicalmeteor:mocha
I'm using WebStorm to edit my Meteor code, so I want to know is there any way to run/debug unit test in WebStorm?
Running tests
You have to make a Run/Debug Configuration in Webstorm for Meteor. You'll have to set the program arguments correctly:
test --driver-package practicalmeteor:mocha
You run the tests by running this configuration.
Debugging tests client-side
You can use the previous configuration and debug using the browser's console.
Debugging tests server-side
Make a new Meteor configuration with arguments:
test --driver-package practicalmeteor:mocha --debug-port 5858
Running this configuration you'll see an output similar to:
W20170409-20:19:21.287(2)? (STDERR) Debugger listening on [::]:5959
You can then debug the code by browsing to: http://localhost:8080/debug?port=5959
Note: in my case the port in the console differs from the port in the configuration. I have to use that port in the url.