I am trying to adapt the Convolutional Neural Net example of tflearn to do a classification with ~12000 distinct class labels and more than 1 million training examples. The number of labels is apparently a problem in terms of memory consumption when one-hot encoding them. I first map my string labels to continuous integers, I then pass these as a list to the to_categorical()
function. The following code leads to a MemoryError:
trainY = to_categorical(trainY, nb_classes=n_classes)
Do I have to encode the labels like this or should I use a different loss function than cross-entropy? Can I train in batches with tflearn - can I pass a generator to the DNN.fit()
Thanks for any advice!
In the regression layer link, you can specify that the labels that are feed in should be one-hot encoded on the run
loss = 'categorical_crossentropy',
batch_size = 64,
to_one_hot = True,
n_classes = 12000)
In this way you should not have a memory error, because labels will be encoded in batches while training.