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React Native app - Storing data using Realm

Still on the learning curve with React Native. I have read the Realm docs and other forums but cannot seem to find the answer to the seemingly simple notion of writing data to a Realm. For example;

In my code, I receive the data (list of users) from a local json file and am able to access and display their information.

The bit i'm struggling with is the onPress function bookmarkItem. Where on button press I want to realm.write certain data from a json file to Realm. How do i store the value of say {{user.login.username}} in my realm database??? Below is the code in question;

import { users } from '../config/data';
import Realm from 'realm'

 class Article {}
  Article.schema = {
  name: 'Article',
  properties: {
    key:  'data',
    image: 'data',
    title: 'data',

let realm = new Realm({schema: [Article]});

class Feed extends Component {
  onLearnMore = (user) => {
    this.props.navigation.navigate('Details', { ...user });

  bookmarkItem = (user) => {
   realm.write(() => {
    realm.create('Article', {
     key: {{user.login.username}},
     image: {{ uri: user.picture.large}},
     title: {{}},

render() {
    return (
          { => (
              <Card key={user.login.username}>
                  <CardItem header>
                        <Button onPress={() => this.bookmarkItem(user)}>
                            <Icon name="bookmark" />
                  <CardItem cardBody onPress={() => this.onLearnMore(user)}>
                      <Image source={{ uri: user.picture.large }}/>
                   <CardItem content>
                              <Text>{} {}</Text>

Clearly I'm not understanding something with the use of schema data types and how and where to correctly execute my realm.write function. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Cheers


  • You don't have to use {{}} outside the JSX elements in your render function. Instead of {{user.login.username}} just use user.login.username in your realm.create function.

    Also for image you shouldn't use uri: user.picture.large just user.picture.large will be enough. You can later use that variable as a uri.