Say this piece of code:
<?php while($user=mysqli_fetch_array($resultuser)){ ?>
function my_function($variable) {
//do something here...
<?php };?>
This will obviously return this error
Cannot redeclare my_function() previously declared
So what if someone needs to use the same function multiple times across the same page? Is there a way to generate random function() names? Any idea how to get around this? Thanks.
<?php while($deposit26=mysqli_fetch_array($resultdeposit26)){ ?>
<td data-th="Hours">
$week1hours = $deposit26['hours_worked'];
$week2hours = $deposit26['hours_worked_wk2'];
function time_to_decimal($time) {
$timeArr = explode(':', $time);
$decTime = ($timeArr[0] + ($timeArr[1]/60) + ($timeArr[2]/3600));
return $decTime;
$groupd26hours = time_to_decimal($week1hours) + time_to_decimal($week2hours);
echo round($groupd26hours, 2);
<?php };?>
// Earlier in the file or included with include or require
function time_to_decimal($time) {
$timeArr = explode(':', $time);
$decTime = ($timeArr[0] + ($timeArr[1]/60) + ($timeArr[2]/3600));
return $decTime;
} ?>
<?php while($deposit26=mysqli_fetch_array($resultdeposit26)) : ?>
<td data-th="Hours">
$week1hours = $deposit26['hours_worked'];
$week2hours = $deposit26['hours_worked_wk2'];
$groupd26hours = time_to_decimal($week1hours) + time_to_decimal($week2hours);
echo round($groupd26hours, 2); ?>
<?php endwhile ?>