I have some data where both the input and the output values are standardized, so the difference between Y and Y_pred is always gonna very small.
I feel that the l2-norm will penalize less the model than the l1-norm since squaring a number that is between 0 and 1 will always result in a lower number.
So my question is, is it ok to use the l2-norm when both the input and the output are standardized?
It does not matter.
The basic idea/motivation is how to penalize deviations. L1-norm does not care much about outliers, while L2-norm penalize these heavily. This is the basic difference and you will find a lot of pros and cons, even on wikipedia.
So in regards to your question if it makes sense when the expected deviations are small: sure, it behaves the same.
Let's make an example:
y_real 1.0 ||| y_pred 0.8 ||| y_pred 0.6
l1: |0.2| = 0.2 |0.4| = 0.4 => 2x times more error!
l2: 0.2^2 = 0.04 0.4^2 = 0.16 => 4x times more error!
You see, the basic idea still applies!