I have doubts about the "text-to-speech" Amazon Polly service.
I've integrated this service in my chatbot, in order to describe vocally what the bot writes to the user in chat.
It works pretty well, but I don't know if it is possible to stop the voice early, before she (I chose a female voice) finishes speaking. Sometimes I need to go further in the conversation and I don't want to listen until the end of the sentence.
This is the code used for the integration:
//Html side
function textToSpeech(text) {
type: 'GET',
url: '/Chat/TextToSpeech?text=' + text,
cache: false,
success: function (result) {
var audio = document.getElementById('botvoice');
$("#botvoice").attr("src", "/Audios/" + result);
Controller side:
public ActionResult TextToSpeech(string text)
string filename = "";
AWSCredentials credentials = new StoredProfileAWSCredentials("my_credential");
AmazonPollyClient client = new AmazonPollyClient(credentials, Amazon.RegionEndpoint.EUWest1);
// Create describe voices request.
DescribeVoicesRequest describeVoicesRequest = new DescribeVoicesRequest();
// Synchronously ask Amazon Polly to describe available TTS voices.
DescribeVoicesResponse describeVoicesResult = client.DescribeVoices(describeVoicesRequest);
List<Voice> voices = describeVoicesResult.Voices;
// Create speech synthesis request.
SynthesizeSpeechRequest synthesizeSpeechPresignRequest = new SynthesizeSpeechRequest();
// Text
synthesizeSpeechPresignRequest.Text = text;
// Select voice for synthesis.
synthesizeSpeechPresignRequest.VoiceId = voices[18].Id;
// Set format to MP3.
synthesizeSpeechPresignRequest.OutputFormat = OutputFormat.Mp3;
// Get the presigned URL for synthesized speech audio stream.
string current_dir = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory;
filename = CalculateMD5Hash(text) + ".mp3";
var path_audio = current_dir + @"\Audios\" + filename;
var presignedSynthesizeSpeechUrl = client.SynthesizeSpeechAsync(synthesizeSpeechPresignRequest).GetAwaiter().GetResult();
FileStream wFile = new FileStream(path_audio, FileMode.Create);
catch (Exception ex)
filename = ex.ToString();
return Json(filename, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
An input text is present in my chat (obviously) for writing and sending (by pressing ENTER on the keyboard) the question to the bot. I tried to put the command audio.src=""
in the handler, and she stops to talk but the chat still remains blocked... It seems like it waits the end of the audio stream. I have to refresh the page to see new messages and responses.
Is there any Amazon function that I can call with a particular parameter set, in order to notify the service that I want to stop and clear the audio stream?
Amazon Polly returns a .mp3
file. It is not responsible for playing the audio file.
Any difficulties you are experiencing playing/stopping the audio would be the result of the code you are using to play an MP3 audio file. It has nothing to do with the Amazon Polly service itself.