I'm wondering... I want to iterate through a dataProvider, in a Component which is based on a DropDownList. First thing, that it didn't work (it compiled, but never iterated), was:
var o:Object;
for each (var o:Object in dataProvider)
I guess it didn't work because a IList doesn't provide Objects, or something someone would be able to explain easily.
I tried something that looks horrible from a efficiency perspective, nonetheless it works. This is it:
for (var i:int = 0; i < dataProvider.length; i++)
o = dataProvider.getItemAt(i);
But it is so horrible that I felt tempted to ask here about another possible solution.
I'll try to elaborate... I'm making (well, it is made already) a component that, being like a DropDownList, is bindable, not to an index (like selectedIndex="@{variable}"), but to a value of a variable inside of the ArrayCollection.
Say, you have a dataProvider with two objects: {a:'5', nmb:'five', blabla:'cinco'}
and {a:'39', nmb:'thirty-nine', blabla:'treinta y nueve'}
This component, if declared like this:
<com:ddListN idxName="a" selectedN="@{val}" labelField="nmb">
Does use val
to set/get the DropDownList to the proper index, comparing the value with the variable defined in idxName.
Well, this is the entire code (is not that much):
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<s:DropDownList xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009"
private var _selectedN:String;
public var idxName:String = 'n';
public function get selectedN():String
return this.selectedItem[idxName];
public function set selectedN(v:String):void
var o:Object;
// for each (var o:Object in dataProvider) @@
for (var i:int = 0; i < this.dataProvider.length; i++)
o = dataProvider.getItemAt(i);
if (o[idxName] == v)
this.selectedIndex = i;
_selectedN = v;
dispatchEvent(new Event("changeSelected"));
this.selectedItem = null; // no seleccionar nada (@@?)
_selectedN = null;
dispatchEvent(new Event("changeSelected"));
private function ch():void
_selectedN = this.selectedItem[idxName];
dispatchEvent(new Event("changeSelected"));
Actually for each
loops are a little bit slower than normal for
loops. Take a look at the answer to For VS Foreach on Array performance.
To answer your question, why your for each
loop doesn`t work. Unfortunatly this type of loop works only for certain types of classes. As far as I know those are:
that implement the functions needed for for each
loops. ListCollectionView
and its subclasses ArrayCollection
and XMLListCollection
are the only ones I know of.Collection classes like ArrayList
do not work with for each
loops since they are not native objects in Flash Player (like Array
) and they don't extend the Proxy
So, the best thing you can do is to use simple for
loops and those loops are even faster than the for each