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Sql, Wpf, Xaml, C#, Binding data, Dynamic resource, accessing to non-static data, Obtaining a Reference to an Object

Ok, well I am pretty pretty pretty new to WPF and XAML, despite my search I could not find a simple solution and it seems to me that I won't be able to find an answer pretty soon.

The question is so simple, I have created a WPF project and have a datagrid in SelectList.xaml Once a row selected, I save the selected row in an object say this object called "category". So far everything is ok but I can't figure out how I am going to obtain a reference to this object from an other place temp.xaml ?

Thanks very much Any help will be highly appreciated Cheers


  • A common way to provide indirect communication in WPF is to leverage the Mediator pattern. You can use a mediator to publish the selection of your category, and have the temp view subscribe to notification of a change in selection of your category.

    See for a simple example of a concrete mediator. There are also several popular MVVM frameworks available that provide Mediator pattern implementations if you want a more robust implementation.

    Simple Mediator implementation:

    public sealed class Mediator
        private static Mediator instance = new Mediator();
        private readonly Dictionary<string, List<Action<object>>> callbacks 
          = new Dictionary<string, List<Action<object>>>();
        private Mediator() { }
        public static Mediator Instance
                return instance;
        public void Register(string id, Action<object> action)
            if (!callbacks.ContainsKey(id))
                callbacks[id] = new List<Action<object>>();
        public void Unregister(string id, Action<object> action)
            if (callbacks[id].Count == 0)
        public void SendMessage(string id, object message)
            callbacks[id].ForEach(action => action(message));

    SelectList.xaml code-behind:

    private void DataGrid_SelectionChanged(object sender, System.Windows.Controls.SelectionChangedEventArgs e)
        var category = e.AddedItems.FirstOrDefault() as Category;
        if(category != null)
            Mediator.Instance.SendMessage("Category Selected", category);

    Temp.xaml code-behind:

    public Temp()
          "Category Selected",
    private void OnCategorySelected(object parameter)
      var selectedCategory = parameter as Category;
      if(selectedCategory != null)