daemon gives me such output:
ERRO[2857] Handler for GET /v1.26/containers/jupyter-user/json returned error: No such container: jupyter-user
How can I write GET-request in terminal to docker
to see such output?
Docker exposes restful API on its daemon, you can use any CLI HTTP client tool to get such information. Docker daemon option -H
is where it listens incoming requests. Take cURL
as example:
If your docker daemon only binds to unix domain socket like -H unix:///var/run/docker.sock
, then you need the latest cURL
which supports --unix-socket
option, I'm using curl 7.52.1
to run the following command on docker host:
$> curl --unix-socket /var/run/docker.sock http:/v1.23/containers/unexisted_container/json
No such container: unexisted_container
If your docker daemon binds to TCP port like -H tcp://
, the above command would be:
$> curl http://<host_ip>:4322/v1.23/containers/unexisted_container/json
You can refer to docs of docker engine API for more details.