I am looking for a way to create DefaultSftpSessionFactory using private key string. The different functions available in this are using the private Key Resource(local file) instead.
Any ideas to create SessionFactory needed for SftpRemoteFileTemplate? I have the user, host and the private key as a String.
The setter takes a Resource
* Allows you to set a {@link Resource}, which represents the location of the
* private key used for authenticating against the remote host. If the privateKey
* is not provided, then the {@link DefaultSftpSessionFactory#setPassword(String) password}
* property is mandatory (or {@link #setUserInfo(UserInfo) userInfo} that returns a
* password.
* @param privateKey The private key.
* @see JSch#addIdentity(String)
* @see JSch#addIdentity(String, String)
public void setPrivateKey(Resource privateKey) {
this.privateKey = privateKey;
There are many kinds of Resource
, including ByteArrayResource
, where you can use
setPrivateKey(new ByteArrayResource(myKeyString.getBytes());