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IFTTT Status check URL and Key

I am trying to implement the IFTTT in my website. I have created the Service. I have created the API for status and test setup check with given type, like

API-> &

  1. Using CI and routing for this purpose.
  2. Added following header in it Host, COntent-type, IFTTT-Channel-Key, Accept-Encoding
  3. Channel key is taken when creating the applet as i remember. its at the end of an url

But in response i am getting following error for status check when doing the endpoint test - Valid request is in green. - with invalid channel key in red with status code 401 is shown

Please help me out. Thanks,


  • For the status/setup endpoint test :

    • valid request is checked when your return status code 200 when a correct IFTTT-Channel-Key is sent in the headers
    • with invalid channel key is checked when you return status code 401 when an incorrect IFTTT-Channel-Key is sent in the headers

    For instance a request with invalid channel key would be :

    Request :

    GET HTTP/1.1
    Accept: application/json
    Accept-Charset: utf-8
    Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
    User-Agent: IFTTT-Protocol/v1
    IFTTT-Test-Mode: 1
    IFTTT-Channel-Key: INVALID


    HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized
    date: Fri, 07 Apr 2017 23:04:28 GMT
    server: Apache/2.4.10 (Debian)
    content-type: application/json
    vary: Accept-Encoding
    content-length: 0
    connection: close

    You have to check that IFTTT-Channel-Key header value and send status code 200 if it's correct & 401 if incorrect.

    IFTTT-Channel-Key is the Service API Key you can find under API/General tab :

    enter image description here

    Service API key is unique per channel