I'm using the sentiment tools in Tidytext for the first time, and would like to use the Loughran dictionary. After several attempts, the closest I get is this error:
get_sentiments("loughran") Error in get_sentiments("loughran") : could not find function "%>%"
Is Loughran a Tidytext offering or must it be externally retrieved/loaded? Thank you.
The Loughran sentiment lexicon is in the version of tidytext that is on GitHub but not yet on CRAN. We will be releasing a new version on CRAN in the near future! In the meantime, you can install the current development version of tidytext from GitHub using devtools:
#> # A tibble: 4,149 × 2
#> word sentiment
#> <chr> <chr>
#> 1 abandon negative
#> 2 abandoned negative
#> 3 abandoning negative
#> 4 abandonment negative
#> 5 abandonments negative
#> 6 abandons negative
#> 7 abdicated negative
#> 8 abdicates negative
#> 9 abdicating negative
#> 10 abdication negative
#> # ... with 4,139 more rows