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float bits and strict aliasing

I am trying to extract the bits from a float without invoking undefined behavior. Here is my first attempt:

unsigned foo(float x)
    unsigned* u = (unsigned*)&x;
    return *u;

As I understand it, this is not guaranteed to work due to strict aliasing rules, right? Does it work if a take an intermediate step with a character pointer?

unsigned bar(float x)
    char* c = (char*)&x;
    unsigned* u = (unsigned*)c;
    return *u;

Or do I have to extract the individual bytes myself?

unsigned baz(float x)
    unsigned char* c = (unsigned char*)&x;
    return c[0] | c[1] << 8 | c[2] << 16 | c[3] << 24;

Of course this has the disadvantage of depending on endianness, but I could live with that.

The union hack is definitely undefined behavior, right?

unsigned uni(float x)
    union { float f; unsigned u; };
    f = x;
    return u;

Just for completeness, here is a reference version of foo. Also undefined behavior, right?

unsigned ref(float x)
    return (unsigned&)x;

So, is it possible to extract the bits from a float (assuming both are 32 bits wide, of course)?

EDIT: And here is the memcpy version as proposed by Goz. Since many compilers do not support static_assert yet, I have replaced static_assert with some template metaprogramming:

template <bool, typename T>
struct requirement;

template <typename T>
struct requirement<true, T>
    typedef T type;

unsigned bits(float x)
    requirement<sizeof(unsigned)==sizeof(float), unsigned>::type u;
    memcpy(&u, &x, sizeof u);
    return u;


  • About the only way to truly avoid any issues is to memcpy.

    unsigned int FloatToInt( float f )
       static_assert( sizeof( float ) == sizeof( unsigned int ), "Sizes must match" );
       unsigned int ret;
       memcpy( &ret, &f, sizeof( float ) );
       return ret;

    Because you are memcpying a fixed amount the compiler will optimise it out.

    That said the union method is VERY widely supported.