I'm working on coding a ceasar cipher that reads plaintext from a .txt, encrypts the plaintext and writes to a second .txt, then reads the second .txt and decrypts it to a third .txt. Everything is working except the encryption of characters near the end of the alphabet. When a character reaches 'z' or 'Z' it should loop back to 'a' or 'A'. Below is a snippet of code from my encoding function, this is the only bit that's causing issues.
if (isalpha(inputString[i])) { //use isalpha() to ignore other characters
for (int k = 0; k < key; k++) { //key is calculated in another function, 6 in this case
if (inputString[i] == 'z') //these statements don't seem to work
encryptedString[i] = 'a';
else if (inputString[i] == 'Z')
encryptedString[i] = 'A';
else //this part works correctly
encryptedString[i] ++;
THE quick brown fox
Jumped over the----
House or moon or some-thing.
Expected output:
ZNK waoiq hxuct lud
Pasvkj ubkx znk----
Nuayk ux suut ux yusk-znotm.
Actual Output:
THE q{ick bro}n fo~
J{mped o|er the----
Ho{se or moon or some-thing.
Key: 6
You are modifying encryptedString
and then basing your "loop-over" decision on inputString
I suspect that you want to firstly initialize encryptedString
from inputString
, and then work only on encryptedString
It looks, to me, like you should do it like this:
encryptedString[i] = inputString[i]; // initialize encryptedString
if (isalpha(inputString[i]))
for (int k = 0; k < key; k++)
if (encryptedString[i] == 'z') // read from encryptedString instead of inputString
encryptedString[i] = 'a';
else if (encryptedString[i] == 'Z') // read from encryptedString instead of inputString
encryptedString[i] = 'A';
encryptedString[i] ++;