Search code examples

Authlogic session in Capybara doesn't exist immediately

My spec:

let(:user) { FactoryGirl.create(:user) }

 context 'When user is logged in' do
    scenario 'Log in' do
      visit login_path

      within '.new_user_session' do
        fill_in 'username', with:
        fill_in 'password', with: user.password
        click_on 'Log in'

      visit new_search_path

      expect(page).to have_text "Welcome #{}!"

The issue is that when visiting new_search_path, even though the login in successful, the page behaves as if there is no user logged in. If I add a sleep(1) call right before visit new_search_path, everything works fine.

Anyone know why this is happening?

I'm using authlogic, capybara, and selenium.


  • The action click_on can occur asynchronously. Therefore, if you do a visit immediately after it can cause the login request to abort and the session cookies never get set. To solve that you need to check for page text/content that indicates the login has succeeded. Something like

    expect(page).to have_text 'You are now logged in'