If I use functional-style method chains for string manipulation, I can not use the usual machinery for getting the first or last few characters: I do not have access to a reference to the current string, so I can not compute indices.
[some, nasty, objects]
.map( { $0.asHex } )
.<first 100>
+ "..."
for a truncated debug output.
So how to I implement <first 100>
, or do I have to break the chain?
I don't know of any API that does this. Fortunately, writing our own is an easy exercise:
extension String {
func taking(first: Int) -> String {
if first <= 0 {
return ""
} else if let to = self.index(self.startIndex,
offsetBy: first,
limitedBy: self.endIndex) {
return self.substring(to: to)
} else {
return self
Taking from the end is similar.
Find full code (including variants) and tests here.