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nginx forward https traffic on windows

Let's say I have two webservers running on https://server:10000 and https://server:10001, that is, SSL termination happens on my server, not on nginx.

I want nginx to route to server:10000 and to server:10001

I came up with the following, but how can I match based on hostname?

stream {
    upstream server0 {
        server server:10000;

    server {
        listen 443;
        proxy_pass server0;

This doesn't work because, I think, nginx wants to terminate ssl connection, instead of just passing the traffic through?

http {
    upstream server0 {
        server localhost:19080;

    server {
        listen 443;

        location / {
            proxy_pass https://server0;

I saw this, but ssl_preread doesn't appear to work on windows.

What are my options?


  • I recompiled nginx with --with-stream_ssl_preread_module and followed this guide