I get error installing documentDB nuget package.
Could not install package 'Microsoft.Azure.DocumentDB.Core 1.2.1'. You are trying to install this package into a project that targets '.NETPortable,Version=v4.5,Profile=Profile7', but the package does not contain any assembly references or content files that are compatible with that framework.
Any ideas? thanks in advance.
The Core package actually targets NetStandard 1.6, not .Net Core specifically.
NetStandard is a library that acts as API for different runtimes and it's much more powerfull than PCL because it's platform-agnostic:
This means that the DocumentDb.Core package can run on .Net Core 1.0, .Net Framework, Xamarin and UWP.
If you are creating a PCL, I would recommend you to create a NetStandard library instead.
It will let your library support a much wider universe of platforms and the great thing is that, if a new platform comes along that supports NetStandard 1.6 (for example), your library will work without needing to recompile or republish it.