Silly sort of question, but...
I can exit if a command fails easily enough:
command || exit $?
If I want to interpose something between the command and the exit, I can test the return code vs 0, or just exit from a subshell:
command ; rc=$?
echo That command returned $rc
[ $rc -eq 0 ] || exit $rc
# or
( exit $rc ) || exit $rc
But I don't like test vs 0, because it makes 0=true explicit.
And while I like ( exit $rc ) because it avoids explicit 0, a subshell seems heavyweight and using exit twice seems redundant.
Is there some better alternative?
Not quiiiite what I had in mind, but close enough for me because I generally only care about failure:
$ bash
bash-3.2$ false || exit $? $( echo worbly boo $? > /dev/tty )
worbly boo 1
It short-cuts the $( )
conveniently, so no subshell except in an error case.
It also handles failures within the $( )
fairly elegantly:
bash-3.2$ false || exit $? $( ( foo ; echo $? ) > /dev/tty )
bash: foo: command not found