Search code examples

bind_result() - Number of variables doesn't match number of fields


// get value of id that sent from address bar
$id=filter_input(INPUT_GET, 'id', FILTER_VALIDATE_INT);
if ($id === false) {
    //filter failed
    die('id not a number');
if ($id === null) {
    //variable was not set
    die('id not set');

//white list table 
$safe_tbl_name = '';
    case 'Table1': 
        $safe_tbl_name = 'MyTable1';
    case 'Table2':
        $safe_tbl_name = 'MyTable2';
        $safe_tbl_name = 'forum_questions';

$sql="SELECT * FROM `$safe_tbl_name` WHERE id=?";
if ($stmt = $con->prepare($sql)){
$stmt->bind_param("s", $id);
   //error !! don't go further

$rows = $stmt->fetch_all(MYSQLI_ASSOC);

<table width="400" border="0" align="center" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="1" bgcolor="#CCCCCC">
<td><table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1" bordercolor="1" bgcolor="#FFFFFF">
<td bgcolor="#F8F7F1"><strong><?php echo $rows['topic']; ?></strong></td>

<td bgcolor="#F8F7F1"><?php echo $rows['detail']; ?></td>

<td bgcolor="#F8F7F1"><strong>By :</strong> <?php echo $rows['name']; ?> <strong>Email : </strong><?php echo $rows['email'];?></td>

<td bgcolor="#F8F7F1"><strong>Date/time : </strong><?php echo $rows['datetime']; ?></td>

And I get this error:

Warning: mysqli_stmt::bind_result(): Number of bind variables doesn't match number of fields in prepared statement in C:\wamp64\www\forrrumm\view_topic.php on line 47

And this:

Fatal error: Call to undefined method mysqli_stmt::fetch_all() in C:\wamp64\www\forrrumm\view_topic.php on line 49


  • You are not using bind_result() properly.

    Binds columns in the result set to variables.

    You are trying to bind the entire result set into a single variable. You need to provide a variable for each column in the result set.


    Here is where it fits in:

    $sql="SELECT `topic`,`detail`,`email`,`name`,`datetime` FROM `$safe_tbl_name` WHERE id=?";
        //while($stmt->fetch()){  not wrong, but not necessary to loop if only one row
            echo "<table width=\"400\" border=\"0\" align=\"center\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"1\" bgcolor=\"#CCCCCC\">";
                echo "<tr>";
                    echo "<td>";
                        echo "<table width=\"100%\" border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"3\" cellspacing=\"1\" bordercolor=\"1\" bgcolor=\"#FFFFFF\">";
                            echo "<tr>";
                                echo "<td bgcolor=\"#F8F7F1\"><strong>$topic</strong></td>";
                            echo "</tr>";
                            echo "<tr>";
                                echo "<td bgcolor=\"#F8F7F1\">$detail</td>";
                            echo "</tr>";
                            echo "<tr>";
                                echo "<td bgcolor=\"#F8F7F1\"><strong>By :</strong>$name<strong>Email : </strong>$email</td>";
                            echo "</tr>";
                            echo "<tr>";
                                echo "<td bgcolor=\"#F8F7F1\"><strong>Date/time : </strong>$datetime</td>";
                            echo "</tr>";
                        echo "</table>";
                    echo "</td>";
                echo "</tr>";
            echo "</table>";

    Alternatively, if you want to use the * in your SELECT, you could try the following non-bind_result method. (all examples that I have read online only use bind_result when not using * in the SELECT.

        echo "execute failed";  // but I don't think this is your problem
    // $rows['topic']
    // $rows['detail']
    // $rows['email']
    // $rows['name']
    // $rows['datetime']