Is it possible to call a pl/sql function from eclipselink that returns an object type?
We built a testcase that correctly selects an object type from the backing table. So our entity seems to be properly defined. But when calling the pl/sql-function the testcase failes with a NoResultException
In the eclipselink-log the statement looks ok, but the binding of the return parameter is empty. What are we missing?
[EL Finest]: connection: 2017-03-30 13:51:32.631--ServerSession(1014328909)--Connection(1807648168)--Thread(Thread[main,5,main])--Connection acquired from connection pool [default].
[EL Fine]: sql: 2017-03-30 13:51:32.632--ServerSession(1014328909)--Connection(1807648168)--Thread(Thread[main,5,main])--
bind => []
[EL Finest]: connection: 2017-03-30 13:51:32.688--ServerSession(1014328909)--Connection(1807648168)--Thread(Thread[main,5,main])--Connection released to connection pool [default].
When we call a pl/sql function returning a varchar2 it runs fine, the binding is ok as well. Maybe we just did not find the correct databaseType
in the parameter definition of @NamedPLSQLStoredFunctionQuery
public void initEM() {
EntityManagerFactory emf = Persistence.createEntityManagerFactory( "test" );
em = emf.createEntityManager();
public void testFind() {
EmpEntity e = em.find( EmpEntity.class, 2 );
assertNotNull( e );
@Test // FAILES: javax.persistence.NoResultException: getSingleResult() did not retrieve any entities
public void testNamedFunctionCall() {
EmpEntity e = em.createNamedQuery( "callEmpFunction", EmpEntity.class ).getSingleResult();
assertNotNull( e );
public void closeEM() {
The object types, the backing table and the pl/sql-function are defined as
create or replace type T_DEPT as object
( deptno number
, deptname varchar2(40)
, loc varchar2(40)
create or replace type T_ADDRESS as object
( street varchar2(40)
, city varchar2(40)
create or replace type T_EMP as object
( address t_address
, empno number
, ename varchar2(40)
, dept t_dept
create table EMP_OBJECTS
( obj_id number not null primary key
, emp t_emp not null
create or replace function GET_EMP
return t_emp
v_emp t_emp;
select emp
into v_emp
from emp_objects
where obj_id = 2;
return v_emp;
v_dept t_dept := t_dept( 10, 'sales', 'beach' );
v_addr t_address := t_address( 'here', 'there' );
v_emp t_emp := t_emp( v_addr, 1, 'scott', v_dept );
insert into emp_objects
( obj_id, emp )
( 2, v_emp );
Our Java entity and the embeddable classes are
@NamedPLSQLStoredFunctionQuery( name = "callEmpFunction"
, functionName = "GET_EMP"
, returnParameter = @PLSQLParameter(name = "result", databaseType="t_emp" )
public class EmpEntity {
private int obj_id;
private Emp emp;
... getter and setter ...
@Struct(name = "T_EMP", fields = { "addr", "empno", "name", "dept" } )
public class Emp {
private Address addr;
private int empno;
private String name;
private Dept dept;
@Struct(name="T_ADDRESS", fields={"street","city"})
public class Address {
private String street;
private String city;
@Struct(name="T_DEPT", fields={"deptno","deptname","loc"})
public class Dept {
private int deptno;
private String deptname;
private String loc;
We are using eclipselink 2.6.4 and an oracle 11.2 database.
Sorry for answering my own question. After quite some trial and error we found two solutions we would like to share.
First: Create the function call programmatically and set the result type to OracleObjectType
. Mind the uppercase names of the type and procedurename. This seem to be important.
public void testFunctionCall() {
OracleObjectType result = new OracleObjectType();
result.setJavaType( Emp.class );
result.setTypeName( "T_EMP" );
DataReadQuery databaseQuery = new DataReadQuery();
PLSQLStoredFunctionCall call = new PLSQLStoredFunctionCall(result);
Query query = ((JpaEntityManager)em.getDelegate()).createQuery(databaseQuery);
Emp e = (Emp)query.getSingleResult();
assertNotNull( e );
Second: It seems to be necessary to annotate the embeddable classes with both @Struct
and @OracleObject
whenever you want to use it in procedure or function calls. With the following change our formerly failing testcase succeeds.
@Struct( name = "T_EMP", fields = { "addr", "empno", "name", "dept" } )
@OracleObject( name = "T_EMP", javaType = Emp.class, fields = {} )
public class Emp {
private Address addr;
private int empno;
private String name;
private Dept dept;
@Struct( name="T_ADDRESS", fields={"street","city"} )
@OracleObject( name = "T_ADDRESS", javaType = Address.class, fields = {} )
public class Address {
private String street;
private String city;
@Struct( name = "T_DEPT", fields = { "deptno", "deptname", "loc" } )
@OracleObject( name = "T_DEPT", javaType = Dept.class, fields = {} )
public class Dept {
private int deptno;
private String deptname;
private String loc;
Maybe someone with deeper knowledge on eclipselink can comment on the redundancy of using both @Struct
and @OracleObject