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Eclipselink/JPA: how to call a pl/sql function that returns an object type using '@NamedPLSQLStoredFunctionQuery'

Is it possible to call a pl/sql function from eclipselink that returns an object type?

We built a testcase that correctly selects an object type from the backing table. So our entity seems to be properly defined. But when calling the pl/sql-function the testcase failes with a NoResultException.

In the eclipselink-log the statement looks ok, but the binding of the return parameter is empty. What are we missing?

[EL Finest]: connection: 2017-03-30 13:51:32.631--ServerSession(1014328909)--Connection(1807648168)--Thread(Thread[main,5,main])--Connection acquired from connection pool [default].
[EL Fine]: sql: 2017-03-30 13:51:32.632--ServerSession(1014328909)--Connection(1807648168)--Thread(Thread[main,5,main])--
  bind => []
[EL Finest]: connection: 2017-03-30 13:51:32.688--ServerSession(1014328909)--Connection(1807648168)--Thread(Thread[main,5,main])--Connection released to connection pool [default].

When we call a pl/sql function returning a varchar2 it runs fine, the binding is ok as well. Maybe we just did not find the correct databaseType in the parameter definition of @NamedPLSQLStoredFunctionQuery?

public void initEM() {
    EntityManagerFactory emf = Persistence.createEntityManagerFactory( "test" );
    em = emf.createEntityManager();

public void testFind() {
    EmpEntity e = em.find( EmpEntity.class, 2 );
    assertNotNull( e );

@Test // FAILES: javax.persistence.NoResultException: getSingleResult() did not retrieve any entities
public void testNamedFunctionCall() {
    EmpEntity e = em.createNamedQuery( "callEmpFunction", EmpEntity.class ).getSingleResult();
    assertNotNull( e );

public void closeEM() {

The object types, the backing table and the pl/sql-function are defined as

create or replace type T_DEPT as object
( deptno   number
, deptname varchar2(40)
, loc      varchar2(40)

create or replace type T_ADDRESS as object
( street varchar2(40)
, city   varchar2(40)

create or replace type T_EMP as object
( address t_address
, empno   number
, ename   varchar2(40)
, dept    t_dept

create table EMP_OBJECTS
( obj_id  number not null primary key
, emp     t_emp  not null

create or replace function GET_EMP
return t_emp
    v_emp    t_emp;
    select emp
    into   v_emp
    from emp_objects
    where obj_id = 2; 

    return v_emp;

    v_dept t_dept    := t_dept( 10, 'sales', 'beach' );
    v_addr t_address := t_address( 'here', 'there' );
    v_emp  t_emp     := t_emp( v_addr, 1, 'scott', v_dept );
    insert into emp_objects
    ( obj_id, emp )
    ( 2, v_emp );

Our Java entity and the embeddable classes are

@NamedPLSQLStoredFunctionQuery( name = "callEmpFunction"
   , functionName = "GET_EMP"
   , returnParameter = @PLSQLParameter(name = "result", databaseType="t_emp" )
public class EmpEntity {    
    private int obj_id;   
    private Emp emp;

    ... getter and setter ...

@Struct(name = "T_EMP", fields = { "addr", "empno", "name", "dept" } )
public class Emp {
    private Address addr;
    private int     empno;
    private String  name;
    private Dept    dept;

@Struct(name="T_ADDRESS", fields={"street","city"})
public class Address {   
    private String street;    
    private String city;

@Struct(name="T_DEPT", fields={"deptno","deptname","loc"})
public class Dept {    
    private int deptno;    
    private String deptname;    
    private String loc;

We are using eclipselink 2.6.4 and an oracle 11.2 database.


  • Sorry for answering my own question. After quite some trial and error we found two solutions we would like to share.

    First: Create the function call programmatically and set the result type to OracleObjectType. Mind the uppercase names of the type and procedurename. This seem to be important.

    public void testFunctionCall() {
        OracleObjectType result = new OracleObjectType();
        result.setJavaType( Emp.class );
        result.setTypeName( "T_EMP" );
        DataReadQuery databaseQuery = new DataReadQuery();
        PLSQLStoredFunctionCall call = new PLSQLStoredFunctionCall(result);
        Query query = ((JpaEntityManager)em.getDelegate()).createQuery(databaseQuery);
        Emp e = (Emp)query.getSingleResult();
        assertNotNull( e );        

    Second: It seems to be necessary to annotate the embeddable classes with both @Struct and @OracleObject whenever you want to use it in procedure or function calls. With the following change our formerly failing testcase succeeds.

    @Struct( name = "T_EMP", fields = { "addr", "empno", "name", "dept" } )
    @OracleObject( name = "T_EMP", javaType = Emp.class, fields = {} )
    public class Emp {
        private Address addr;
        private int     empno;
        private String  name;
        private Dept    dept;
    @Struct( name="T_ADDRESS", fields={"street","city"} )
    @OracleObject( name = "T_ADDRESS", javaType = Address.class, fields = {} )
    public class Address {    
        private String street;    
        private String city;
    @Struct( name = "T_DEPT", fields = { "deptno", "deptname", "loc" } )
    @OracleObject( name = "T_DEPT", javaType = Dept.class, fields = {} )
    public class Dept {
        private int    deptno;
        private String deptname;
        private String loc;

    Maybe someone with deeper knowledge on eclipselink can comment on the redundancy of using both @Struct and @OracleObject?