I have some service which accepts some data and then, as I think, should return an actor initialized with some values.
public class MyService : StatefulService, IMyService
public IMyActor DoThings(Data data)
var actor = ActorProxy.Create<IMyActor>(new ActorId(Guid.NewGuid()));
//some other things
return actor;
Another service would do this:
var service = ServiceProxy.Create<ICommandBrokerService>(new Uri("fabric:/App"), ServicePartitionKey.Singleton);
var actor = service.DoThings(data);
var state = actor.GetState();
So, is it okay to return an actor in such a way, or should I return actor's id and request a proxy on a call sight?
UPD: According to a @LoekD 's answer I did a wrapper to be a little type-safety.
[DataContract(Name = "ActorReferenceOf{0}Wrapper")]
public class ActorReferenceWrapper<T>
public ActorReference ActorReference { get; private set; }
public ActorReferenceWrapper(ActorReference actorRef)
ActorReference = actorRef ?? throw new ArgumentNullException();
public T Bind()
return (T)ActorReference.Bind(typeof(T));
public IActorService GetActorService(IActorProxyFactory serviceProxy=null)
return ActorReference.GetActorService(serviceProxy);
public TService GetActorService<TService>(IActorProxyFactory serviceProxyFactory) where TService : IActorService
return serviceProxyFactory.CreateActorServiceProxy<TService>(ActorReference.ServiceUri,
public static implicit operator ActorReference(ActorReferenceWrapper<T> actorRef)
return actorRef.ActorReference;
public static explicit operator ActorReferenceWrapper<T>(ActorReference actorReference)
return new ActorReferenceWrapper<T>(actorReference);
No, the types used in SF remoting must be DataContractSerializable
. The contracts you use can only have fields and properties, no methods.
So, instead of returning the proxy, return an Actor Reference.
Next, use Bind to create a proxy from it.