I'm trying to validate the value of a combobox with Vaadin. My goal is to avoid committing the form with the selected object's 'myIntegerAttribute' field setted to null. Supose that the combobox stores 'MyBean' class objects.
I'm using a "FilterableListContainer" to bind the data. I tried this, but it seems that the validator is not being fired:
List<MyBean> myBeans = getMyBeansList();
FilterableListContainer filteredMyBeansContainer = new FilterableListContainer<MyBean>(myBeans);
private BeanValidator getMyBeanValidator(String id){
BeanValidator validator = new BeanValidator(MyBean.class, id);//TrafoEntity
return validator;
class MyBean {
String caption;
Integer myIntegerAttribute;
I don't want to avoid selecting null value in the combobox.
How can I avoid commiting the null value?
I was implementing the validator in the wrong way. I created a class implementing Vaadin's 'Validator' class:
public class MyBeanValidator implements Validator {
public void validate(Object value) throws InvalidValueException {
if (!isValid(value)) {
throw new InvalidValueException("Invalid field");
private boolean isValid(Object value) {
if (value == null || !(value instanceof MyBean)
|| ((MyBean) value).getMyIntegerAttribute() == null ) {
return false;
return true;
And used it in the combobox:
combobox.addValidator(new MyBeanValidator());
Thank you for the answers!