I want to integrate paytm
payment gateway with swift 3.0
.I just follow github
link . but i have probelm in ["CHECKSUMHASH"]
= "" . What can i put in this key.
orderDict["MID"] = strMid
orderDict["ORDER_ID"] = strOrderId
orderDict["CUST_ID"] = strCustomerId
orderDict["INDUSTRY_TYPE_ID"] = strIndustryType
orderDict["CHANNEL_ID"] = strChanalID
orderDict["TXN_AMOUNT"] = strAmt
orderDict["WEBSITE"] = strWebsite
orderDict["CALLBACK_URL"] = "http://xxxxx.co.in/verifyChecksum.php"
orderDict["CHECKSUMHASH"] = ""
This gives me invalid checksum please tell me how can i generate checksum.
First of all you can call your server api for generate checksum. If you are using Almofire
then call
var parameters:[String:String]?
parameters = ["MID":strMid,"ORDER_ID":strOrderId ,"INDUSTRY_TYPE_ID":strIndustryType,"CHANNEL_ID":strChanalID,"TXN_AMOUNT":strAmt,"WEBSITE":strWebsite, "CUST_ID":strCustomerId,"CALLBACK_URL":"http://xxxxxxx.co.in/verifyChecksum.php"]
Alamofire.request("http://xxxxxx.co.in/generateChecksum.php", method: .post, parameters: parameters,encoding: URLEncoding.default, headers: nil).responseJSON {}
Please pass all parameter
in this api . It gives below response
"CHECKSUMHASH": "xxxxxxxxxxxxx",
"ORDER_ID": "xxxxxxxx",
"payt_STATUS": "1"
In this Dictionary
It Pass into paytm order