In of the places I have written itcl code in a thread that kills excel
method Kill_XL {} {
thread::create {
set rc [catch {exec taskkill /t /f /im Excel*} output]
sleep 5
After that, for several different wish shells the following command invokes Excel App but I can see it immediately exiting in task manager
(shh..) 2 % ::tcom::ref createobject Excel.Application
(shh..) 3 % ::tcom::ref createobject Excel.Application
The above is repeated for a several wish shells (each invoked after closing the previous wish shell).
On running any command, the error appears as:
"invalid command name ::tcom::handle0x027CE918"
But the following code works and opens up a Word application without a problem
(shh..) 4 % ::tcom::ref createobject Word.Application
After waiting for a long time (15-20 minutes), I restarted the wish shell and was able to run (without problem) the following code:
(shh..) 8 % set x [::tcom::ref createobject Excel.Application]
(shh..) 9 % $x Visible 1
And a different error message this time after killing excel
(shh..) 10 % thread::create {
set rc [catch {exec taskkill /t /f /im Excel*} output]
(shh..) 11 % $x Visible 0
0x800706ba {The RPC server is unavailable.}
And then is starts all over again:
(shh..) 20 % ::tcom::ref createobject Excel.Application
(shh..) 21 %
(shh..) 21 % ::tcom::handle0x0272EB58 Visible 1
invalid command name "::tcom::handle0x0272EB58"
Is the threaded kill causing problems - I am always sleeping 5 seconds to ensure the kill is successful.
Or is it some other (known) issue with tcom-Excel?
Also, giving the same app handles all the time
(shh..) 30 % foreach x {. .} {puts [::tcom::ref createobject Excel.Application]}
Could this be a cleanup issue with unreleased tcom objects - does it not clenaup automatically on killing the excel process associated?
This was some problem with the OS - doesn't get repeated after OS was re-imaged.