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What are the implications of performing a shallow copy on an array in order to resize it?

If my understanding of deep and shallow copying is correct my question is an impossible one. If you have an array (a[10]) and perform a shallow copy (b[20]) wouldn't this be impossible as the data in b wouldn't be contiguous?

If i've got this completely wrong could someone advise a fast way to immitate (in c#) c++'s ability to do a realloc in order to resize an array.

Im looking at the .Clone() and .Copy() members of the System.Array object.


  • You can't resize an existing array, however, you can use:

    Array.Resize(ref arr, newSize);

    This allocates a new array, copies the data from the old array into the new array, and updates the arr variable (which is passed by-ref in this case). Is that what you mean?

    However, any other references still pointing at the old array will not be updated. A better option might be to work with List<T> - then you don't need to resize it manually, and you don't have the issue of out-of-date references. You just Add/Remove etc. Generally, you don't tend to use arrays directly very often. They have their uses, but they aren't the default case.

    Re your comments;

    • boxing: List<T> doesn't box. That is one of the points about generics; under the hood, List<T> is a wrapper around T[], so a List<int> has an int[] - no boxing. The older ArrayList is a wrapper around object[], so that does box; of course, boxing isn't as bad as you might assume anyway.
    • workings of Array.Resize; if I recall, it finds the size of T, then uses Buffer.BlockCopy to blit the contents the actual details are hidden by an internal call - but essentially after allocating a new array it is a blit (memcpy) of the data between the two arrays, so it should be pretty quick; note that for reference-types this only copies the reference, not the object on the heap. However, if you are resizing regularly, List<T> would usually be a lot simpler (and quicker unless you basically re-implement what List<T> does re spare capacity to minimise the number of resizes).