So I try to figure out a way to do the following trick using VBA:
Assuming we got a huge Excel file.
C500 has some text. M500 has a value and it can either have a color fill, or just being a default white cell with a number. What I want to achieve, is to delete C500 AND M500 when M500 has no color fill.
I know it is a simple task, at least it looks like that and I know that it can probably be solved just by a few lines of code. I still can't find what I need on google or stack overflow by searching for it, probably because of my poor searching skills or because what I wanna do is very specific.
Any help will be deeply appreciated and I will really love to see any similar macro websites out there that I can use as reference. Sorry if this question is already answered.
I'm rewriting this answer as the requirement needs to iterate over any FormatCondition defined for each cell in the range as well as other values of cell. A neat method could be found, for example, here. Basically, it consists of :
For X = 1 To Cell.FormatConditions.Count
With Cell.FormatConditions(X)
If .Type = xlCellValue Then
If CellInterior Then
DisplayedColor = IIf(ReturnColorIndex, Cell.Interior.ColorIndex, Cell.Interior.Color)
DisplayedColor = IIf(ReturnColorIndex, Cell.Font.ColorIndex, Cell.Font.Color)
Which explores the cell for different ways to define the filling Color.
So you should iterate over the range
Dim rng As Range, cell As Range
Set rng = Range("M500:M550")
For Each cell In rng
rem check the filling with the method in the link
rem if it's the colorindex you want
rem cell.Value = ''
rem Also, get the row number and delete content of range ("C5XX")
Next cell