I'm making a client socket. This socket will send some data to another socket and wait for its response (if any). I want my client socket to wait for a response for 5 seconds. The problem is, if I put it in Receiver mode, the program will only run after it gets a connection. I want my program to be listening for a duration of time, not until he gets a response (witch could be never, if the other socket isn't programmed to answer).
The Socket class contains a ReceiveTimeout property, which by default is Infinite.
If you set this value, then the Socket.Recieve() method will only block until the timeout has passed, then will throw a TimeoutException.
Socket sock;
//socket connection and sending data
sock.ReceiveTimeout = 5000;
try {
data = sock.Receive();
catch (TimeoutException ex)
// it never answered