I need to do Word by word comparison of two strings. Something like diff, but for words, not for lines.
Like it is done in wikipedia http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Horapollo&action=historysubmit&diff=21895647&oldid=21893459
In result I want return the two arrays of indexes of words, which are different in two string.
Are there any libraries/frameworks/standalone_methods for .NET which can do this?
P.S. I want to compare several kilobytes of text
It seems I've found needed solution:
DiffPlex is a combination of a .NET Diffing Library with both a Silverlight and HTML diff viewer. http://diffplex.codeplex.com/
But It has one bug. In those lines "Hello-Kitty" "Hello - Kitty", the word "Hello" will be marked as difference. Although the difference is space symbol.