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How to Run Multiple Test Files with Haskell Stack Project

I want to setup an existing Haskell project with Stack. The existing project uses multiple files under a test directory; these separate test files by default, Stack (or cabal?) appears to utilize a single test/Spec.hs for testing. How can I continue to use multiple files with this project?

NOTE: I'm learning Haskell, and this project approaches my learning from a "kata" approach. So tests are isolate to focus on one aspect of the language at a time.


  • Here is a setup for a directory structure like this

    > tree                                                                                       
    ├── example.cabal
    ├── app
    │   └── Main.hs
    ├── LICENSE
    ├── Setup.hs
    ├── src
    │   ├── A
    │   │   └── C.hs
    │   ├── A.hs
    │   └── B.hs
    ├── stack.yaml
    └── tst
        ├── integration
        │   └── Spec.hs
        └── unit
            ├── A
            │   └── CSpec.hs
            ├── ASpec.hs
            ├── BSpec.hs
            └── Spec.hs

    you want to have integration tests that are separate from the usual unit tests and several sub-modules that correspond to each module in your src-folder

    first of all you need to add the test suites to your

    example.cabal file

    name:                example
    -- copyright:
    -- category:
    build-type:          Simple
    cabal-version:       >=1.10
    executable testmain
      main-is:       Main.hs
      hs-source-dirs: app
      build-depends: base
                   , example
      exposed-modules:     A.C,A,B
      -- other-modules:
      -- other-extensions:
      build-depends:       base >=4.9 && <4.10
      hs-source-dirs:      src
      default-language:    Haskell2010
    test-suite unit-tests
      type:          exitcode-stdio-1.0
      main-is:       Spec.hs
      hs-source-dirs: tst/unit
      build-depends: base
                   , example
                   , hspec
                   , hspec-discover
                   , ...
    test-suite integration-tests
      type:          exitcode-stdio-1.0
      main-is:       Spec.hs
      hs-source-dirs: tst/integration
      build-depends: base
                   , example
                   , hspec
                   , ...

    put the following in your tst/unit/Spec.hs it is from hspec-discover and it discovers (hence the name) all modules of the form ...Spec.hs and executes the spec function from each of those modules.


    {-# OPTIONS_GHC -F -pgmF hspec-discover #-}

    just this single line

    Other test files

    then add your unit tests in your ASpec.hs, and others in BSpec.hs,CSpec.hs and your Spec.hs in the tst/integration folder

    module ASpec where
    import Test.Hspec
    import A
    spec :: Spec
    spec = do
      describe "Prelude.head" $ do
        it "returns the first element of a list" $ do
          head [23 ..] `shouldBe` (23 :: Int)
        it "returns the first element of an *arbitrary* list" $
          property $ \x xs -> head (x:xs) == (x :: Int)
        it "throws an exception if used with an empty list" $ do
          evaluate (head []) `shouldThrow` anyException

    you can then compile and run your tests with

    $> stack test
    # now all your tests are executed
    $> stack test :unit-tests
    # now only the unit tests run
    $> stack test :integration-tests
    # now only the integration tests run


    You can find all the examples at, if you want to know more about hspec-style testing I guess it would be best to start there. For the stack - go to - there is some information about testing/benchmarking there - I mean about running tests and benchmarks.

    For different testing style in haskell see HUnit, QuickCheck, Smallcheck, doctests (If I forgot one, my dearest apologies - those are the ones that I use regularly as well).