my English is not he best, but it will work I think. Also I'm an absolut newcomer to C#.
Given is the following code snippet: It has to open an XML-document, from which I KNOW that one of the nodes can be missintepreted, btw is really wrong.
XPathDocument expressionLib = new XPathDocument(path);
XPathNavigator xnav = expressionLib.CreateNavigator();
...and so on
my intention is to create the XPathDocument and the XPathNavigator and THEN watch out for the errors.
but my code Fails with "XPathDocument expressionLib = new XPathDocument(path);" (well, it raises an expception which I catch) so I assume that "XPathDocument(path);" validates the whole XML-document before returning it.
At Microsoft pages I didn't find any hints for that assumed behavior - can you verify it?
And, what could be the workaround?
Yes, I WANT open that XML with that error inside (not at the topmost node) and react just for that invalid node and work with the rest of the file.
Enjoy Weekend Alex.
There is no workaround. If the document is not a valid XML document or there are invalid characters or sections in the document you'll get the exception.
The only way to continue is to handle the XmlException and try to manipulate the Xml data to make it valid which could range from simple if it's just a matter of escaping some invalid character(s) to complex if you have to perform some advanced formatting or if you receive documents containing many different types of errors.
Perhaps the best course of action is to write an XML validator/repair class you'd put your XML document through before attempting to load it with XPathDocument class although I'm pretty sure there must be some library out there that would be able to do all the heavy lifting for you...