I just have started using Mule 3.8 CE version. My use case is to like this,
Publish SOAP -- Hit any method from Published SOAP -- Receive data -- Pass this Data to consume SOAP -- Fetch Response -- Process response via Java -- Return this as response from Method of Published SOAP.
In short I want to introduce a middleware (not a proxy) from Mule which will publish endpoint (e1) -- receive data from that endpoint (e1) -- pass this data to another endpoint(e2) -- receive data from this another endpoint.(e2) -- return response to original endpoint (e1).
Currently I am using following Mule configuration to achieve this,
<http:listener-config name="HTTP_Listener_Configuration" host="localhost" port="8085" doc:name="HTTP Listener Configuration"/>
<endpoint exchange-pattern="request-response" address="" name="Generic" doc:name="Generic"/>
<flow name="webserviceproducerFlow">
<http:listener config-ref="HTTP_Listener_Configuration" path="/hello" doc:name="HTTP"/>
<cxf:jaxws-service serviceClass="com.poc.example.ws.IHelloWorld" doc:name ="CXF" />
<component class="com.poc.example.ws.HelloWorldWSImpl" doc:name="Java"/>
In the 'HellowWorldWSImpl" I have Webmethod. I am consuming SOAP and receive data in this webmethod. I am returning this data consumed from SOAP as response to this Webmethod. Is this right approach or is there any better way to achieve my requirement?
With Mule 3.8 enterprise edition, you have a feature, which will help you to specify WSDL in the beginning This will create similar structure like a RAMLSample WSDL