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Text Ellipsis in bubble chart

i'm using bubble chart from Highcharts, the label text inside of the bubbles is dynamic and sometimes can be bigger than the bubble itself,

I wonder if there's a way to make the text ellipsis according to the size of the bubble that contain it?

  containerOptions = {
        chart: {
            type: 'bubble',
            renderTo: $(container)[0],
            events: {
                drilldown: function (e) {
                    if (!e.seriesOptions) {

                        var chart = this,
                            drilldowns = {
                                'Animals': {
                                    name: 'Animals',
                                    data: [
                                        {name: 'Dogs', y:2, x:10, z: 7, drilldown: true},
                                        {name: 'Cats', y:4, x:12, z: 7}
                                'Dogs': {
                                    data: [
                                        {name: 'Pitbull', y:3.7, x:7.6, z: 5, drilldown: false},
                                        {name: 'German shepherd', y:6.7, x:6.9, z: 5, drilldown: false}
                            series = drilldowns[];
                        setTimeout(function () {
                            chart.addSeriesAsDrilldown(e.point, series);
                        }, 1000);

        plotOptions: {
            series: {
                borderWidth: 0,
                dataLabels: {
                    enabled: true,
                    style: { color: 'red' },
                    format: '{}'

        series: [{
            name: 'Things',
            colorByPoint: true,
            data: [{
                name: 'Animals',
                y: 5,
                x: 1,
                z: 9,
                drilldown: true
            }, {
                name: 'Fruits',
                y: 2,
                x: 9,
                z: 9,
                drilldown: false

        drilldown: {
            series: [],
            drillUpButton: {
                relativeTo: 'spacingBox',
                position: {
                    y: 0,
                    x: 0



  • You can loop through the data labels on load/redraw event and add/remove ellipsis according to the bubble's width and text's width.

    function applyEllipsis() {
      var series = this.series[0];
      var options = series.options.dataLabels;
      series.points.forEach(p => {
        var r = p.marker.radius;
        var label = p.dataLabel;
        var text = label.text.textStr;
        var bbox = label.getBBox(true);
        while (bbox.width > 2 * r && text.length !== 1) {
          text = text.slice(0, -1);
            text: text + '\u2026'
          bbox = label.getBBox(true);
          width: bbox.width,
          height: bbox.height,
          align: options.align,
          verticalAlign: options.verticalAlign
        }, null, p.dlBox);

    Attach the function on load/redraw

    Highcharts.chart('container', {
      chart: {
        type: 'bubble',
        events: {
          load: applyEllipsis,
          redraw: applyEllipsis
