After checkout from my git repository every suite and test page have their respective property removed.
Instead there is text at the top of the page:
This forces me to manually set the property and remove the text for every single page after i checkout a branch. Am I doing something wrong in how i use version control with Fitnesse or why does this happen?
The current branch can be found here:
So after legoscia tipped me right direction i came upon this issue in the Fitnesse repository: Wiki page properties not saving properly in version 20161106
Its GIT messing up new wiki pages (.wiki) upon commit.
For now, until this is resolved I'll set all updated projects back to the old-style wiki pages with folders.
It appears a '.gitattributes' file in the FitNesseRoot directory also works, if we explicitly set all .wiki files to have only 'lf' line endings (and not Windows standard 'crlf').
So inside the FitNesseRoot directory we can add a '.gitattributes' file with contents:
*.wiki text eol=lf
This seems to leave the new style wiki pages in working condition.