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Handling IAP Fullfilment results for Windows 10 Store

When providing consumable In App Purchases on the Windows 10 Store, there are FullfillmentResults when ReportConsumableFullfillmentAsync is called.

The user of my app has had their IAP fullfilled by the time I get this result. This means they have their Coins/Gems/Potatoes.

But if I receive FulfillmentResult.PurchaseReverted, then what happened? How did the user just revert the purchase? Am I meant to withdraw their Coins/Gems/Potatoes?

What are scenarios behind the other error messages?

Note: I'm working with using Windows.ApplicationModel.Store


  • But if I receive FulfillmentResult.PurchaseReverted, then what happened? How did the user just revert the purchase? Am I meant to withdraw their Coins/Gems/Potatoes?

    The value PurchaseReverted means the transaction is canceled on the backend and users get their money back. So you should disable the user's access to the cosumable content (withdraw the Coins/Gems/Potatoes) as necessary.

    What are scenarios behind the other error messages?

    NothingToFulfill : The transaction id has been fulfilled or is otherwise complete

    PurchasePending: The purchase is not complete. At this point it is still possible for the transaction to be reversed due to provider failures and/or risk checks. It means the purchase has not yet cleared and could still be revoked.

    ServerError: There was an issue receiving fulfillment status. It might be the problem from the Store.

    Succeed: The fulfillment is complete and your Coins/Gems/Potatoes can be offered again.

    Here is the documentation about FulfillmentResult Enum