I have method to save all values from table to txt file:
UserDataDBsDataContext dataContext = new UserDataDBsDataContext();
List<UserData> usersL = (from u in dataContext.UserDatas
select u).ToList();
var properties = typeof(UserData).GetProperties();
var userValues = new List<string>();
foreach (var user in usersL)
var values = new List<object>();
foreach (var property in properties)
object value = property.GetValue(user, null);
userValues.Add(string.Join(",", values));
File.WriteAllLines("my_data.txt", userValues);
Now I have two query and I want to do exactly the same, so I tried to create separate method responsible for looping table values.
Loop Method:
public void loopProp(PropertyInfo[] properites, List<string> addedValues)
foreach (var qrl in ...........)
var values = new List<object>();
foreach (var property in properites)
object value = property.GetValue(qrl, null);
addedValues.Add(string.Join(",", values));
File.WriteAllLines("my_passed_data.txt", addedValues);
But I don't know, how to pass query result(ar or ud):
My code:
List<AutoRef> ar = (from a in rjdc.AutoRefs
select a).ToList();
List<UserDataRef> ud = (from u in rjdc.UserDataRefs
select u).ToList();
var propertiesAutoRef = typeof(AutoRef).GetProperties();
var autoValues = new List<string>();
var propertiesUserRef = typeof(UserDataRef).GetProperties();
var userValues = new List<string>();
//loopProp(propertiesAutoRef, autoValues);
//loopProp(propertiesUserRef, userValues);
Answering your concrete question. You should make the method generic and pass the source as IEnumerable<T>
public void loopProp<T>(IEnumerable<T> source, PropertyInfo[] properites, List<string> addedValues)
foreach (var qrl in source)
// ...
File.WriteAllLines("my_passed_data.txt", addedValues);
loopProp(ar, propertiesAutoRef, autoValues);
loopProp(ud, propertiesUserRef, userValues);
Probably you should pass the file path argument as well instead of hardcoding it inside the method.