I want to dynamically change the content of a
element in my html page during nodejs readline process.Here is a jsfiddle example to shown the display effect I want to fulfill: https://jsfiddle.net/09kuyn7v/
But I want to dynamically display lines from my local file, but not from an array defined within the function as in the jsfiddle example.
I have used readline module in my read-file-version clickTest() function:
function clickTest(){
var fs = require('fs');
var lineReader = require('readline').createInterface({
input: fs.createReadStream(filePath)
lineReader.on('line', function(line){
document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML += line;
But when I click the button, the page was just like being freezed and then the lines were displayed simultaneously (not one by one as shown in the jsfiddle example above).
First of all, every time you call that function you do require('readline')
and require('fs')
so I would move that up the script.
I would suggest two approaches:
Pausing read
var readline = require('readline');
var fs = require('fs');
function clickTest(){
var lineReader = readline.createInterface({
input: fs.createReadStream(filePath)
lineReader.on('line', function(line){
// pause emitting of lines...
// write line to dom
document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML += line;
// Resume after some time
}, 1000);
lineReader.on('end', function(){
This approach should read one line, then pause and resume after some time you specify.
Buffering lines
var readline = require('readline');
var fs = require('fs');
var lines = [];
function clickTest(){
var lineReader = readline.createInterface({
input: fs.createReadStream(filePath)
lineReader.on('line', function(line){
lineReader.on('end', function(){
function printLine(index){
// write line to dom
document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML += lines[index];
if (index < lines.length - 1){
printLine(index + 1);
}, 1000);
This approach will save all the lines into an array and then slowly prints them out.
Please note that I haven't got node-webkit to actually test it, so you might find a bug in the code, but it should give you general idea