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Vue JS save incremented number to Firebase database

I have a simple VueJS app that I'm using with Firebase JSON database. I want to be able to click an arrow to update the "votes" of a comment. (similar to how this website has upvotes). My function runs. But the Vue Model never updates Firebase and so the vote count is lost on refresh. Please reference my CodePen: (Please note that I use Pug and Stylus, to see normal HTML/CSS click the arrow in top right.)


// Initialize Firebase
var config = {
    databaseURL: "..."
const firebaseapp = firebase.initializeApp(config);
const db = firebaseapp.database();
const commentsRef = db.ref('test');

const app = new Vue({
    el: '#app',
    data: {
        comments: [],
        newComment: {
            name: '',
            comment: '',
            votes: 0
    methods: {
        addComment() {
   = '';
            this.newComment.message = '';
            this.newComment.votes = 0;
        vote: function (voteType, comment) {
            if (voteType === "up") {
            } else if (voteType === "down") {
                if (comment.votes <= -10) {

    firebase: {
        comments: commentsRef



  • Alright, I believe I've figured it out. Please answer if you have a better method.

    Here is the new method with added notes:

    incrementVote(comment) {
        comment.votes++ //increment the vote count
        const businesschildKey = comment['.key']; //get key of modified comment
        delete comment['.key']; //Firebase doesn't know how to handle them but can use VueFire to get around that.
        this.$firebaseRefs.comments.child(businesschildKey).set(comment) //Updates Firebase record matching key