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Angular 2 JWT have unauthenticatedRedirector?

I'm comming from angular 1 and i used JWT token to authenticate users. In angular 1 i haved this:

.config(function Config($httpProvider, jwtOptionsProvider) {
        // Interceptor for token push on every $http request
            tokenGetter: ['storageService', function (storageService) {
                return storageService.getToken();
            whiteListedDomains: ['', 'localhost'],
            unauthenticatedRedirector: ['$state', 'authManager', 'storageService', 'jwtHelper', function ($state, authManager, storageService, jwtHelper) {
                if (storageService.getToken() != null) {
                    if (jwtHelper.isTokenExpired(storageService.getToken())) {
                        alert('Su sesión ha caducado.');

            unauthenticatedRedirectPath: '/login'


This are the interceptors. I learn with the official page of JWT for Angular 2 that i can easy intercept the routes of the user and redirect it with AuthGuard. This is ok, i used and works perfectly. But, my question is... on this version of Angular 2 JWT have the unauthenticatedRedirector? With this, if the user makes a request to any endpoint of my backend then automatically shows an message and redirect it to the login page.

Any idea of how i can implement this? I was thinking on put a function that intercept every call to any endpoint and first validate if the token is valid and if this is true then make the request... but sounds complicated.


  • redirect to login in Angular 2 & 4 can be done by "canActivate" in routing, you can add some message if you want

    here is my routing setting for AuthGuard

    { path: 'secret', component: SecretComponent, canActivate: [ AuthService] }

    And then in my AuthGuard

    public canActivate() {
        if (this.checkLogin()) {
            return true;
        } else {
            return false;

    To show you full details for ASP.NET Angular JWT solution: