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How to reduce webpack bundle size in grommet?

I'm using Grommet. I've followed the getting started guide and made my first application. The webpack bundle generated for production is a single JavaScript file that exceeds 1.7 MB and I didn't add anything to the get started example.

Is there is a way to reduce this bundle file size or split it into more than one file?


  • Update

    I identified two sources of savings. One small and directly related to Grommet, and one larger and related to vendor.

    219Kb   Remove use of Card   (my only use of remark-parse and friends)
    3.13MB  Remove use of webpack.optimize.CommonsChunkPlugin†


    // vendor: [ 'grommet'...]
    // ...
    // new webpack.optimize.CommonsChunkPlugin({
    //   name: 'vendor',
    //   children: true,
    //   minChunks: 2,
    //   async: true,
    // }),


    // import Card from 'grommet/components/Card'; ... <Card />
    import Box from 'grommet/components/Box'; ... <Box />


    Webpack 2.3.1 'vendor' appears to pull in everything. I had imported a few Grommet components sparingly into React.

    Specifying vendor: [ 'grommet'...] in webpack config resulted in a bundle size of > 3MB.

    vendor.c119b2da32ae94938692.js 3.15 MB 1 [emitted] [big] vendor

    Removing grommet from that array resulted in a size of 429K.

    vendor.0619a5794ef890b54543.js 429 kB 2 [emitted] [big] vendor

    The other bundle sizes did not change.